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Yang Sheng Brown Sugar – Taiwan’s Sugar – Healthy Sugar

Yang Sheng Brown Sugar – Taiwan’s Sugar – Healthy Sugar


Brown sugar, also called red sugar by some, is mainly made from cane sugar. Taiwan’s warm climate is well suited for sugar cane and cultivation began in the early 17th century. The dense sweetness of Taiwan’s sugar cane also exhibits a complex fruity fragrance. Because it contains these slight flavor ingredients, it is just not all sweetness which means there is even, balanced quality.


Why is brown sugar good for you? 

Ordinary refined sugar does not contain minerals after passing through the refinement process. Brown sugar does not go through the first stage of the refinement process so it is less refined and contains a variety of vitamins and minerals especially calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium and folic acid. It not only provides you with these nutrients, brown sugar also has less calories than ordinary white sugar.


Can you really eat an endless amount of brown sugar? Of course, eating too much will give you too many calories. Fruits and vegetables are the best source of minerals. We do recommend using brown sugar as a substitute for regular sugar in your daily life. It is not only lower in calories but also fits well into a raw / unprocessed food lifestyle.


Advantages of brown sugar ginger te

1.Weight control and arteriosclerosis improvement 

Research has shown brown sugar can improve hardening of arteries and effectively prevent plasma levels of neutral fat and insulin levels from rising so brown sugar is good for weight control and arteriosclerosis improvement.


2.Calcium, iron and other mineral retention

The iron and calcium are kept in brown sugar. Eating brown sugar not only adds sweetness but also allows the body to absorb the nutrients contained within. People with a sweet tooth or who crave sugary snacks can consider switching from candy made from refined sugar to brown sugar.


3.Helps to alleviate menstrual discomfort

Ginger and brown sugar make a perfect combination. Ginger contains gingerol which makes it spicy. However drinking icy beverages or consuming ice when the weather is hot in summertime can easily cause abdominal asthenia cold. Excessive asthenia cold can cause discomfort for women when they are having their menstrual period. Eating some ginger once in a while in the summer can help with the problem. Women can drink brown sugar ginger tea once a day two or three days before their period starts to alleviate the cramping and discomfort (usually 2 or 3 days after one’s period starts). At this time, it not necessary to drink any more brown sugar ginger tea.


From the viewpoint of Chinese medicine and health practices, brown sugar is a warming and nourishing food which promotes qi, alleviates stomach and intestinal discomfort, invigorates blood, removes statis, warms the meridians, disperses cold and relieves pain. Eating brown sugar during one’s menstrual period can help menstrual blood discharge, alleviate cramping, reduce bloating and relive lower back pain, remarked Taipei City Chinese Medicine Hospital Internal Medicine Department Head Cheng Hui-cheng.


Mackay Hospital Nutritionist Ding Min-yu agrees with this view. It makes sense to eat an appropriate amount of brown sugar during one’s menstrual period. The calcium and magnesium contained in brown sugar has calming and relaxing effects. The iron inside can supplement the iron lost during one’s period so the body will not feel fatigued due to iron deficiency.


4.For headaches caused by cold and chills, it can be made into a hot beverage to disperse cold, promote blood circulation and alleviate pain.

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